Category: "Automotive Programming"

Lost Car Key Replacement

So you’ve been stranded after losing the last key to your car. What do you do for Lost Car Key Replacement?   What should you do for lost car key replacement? You could call a tow truck at your own expense to have your vehicle pulled to your local dealership’s...

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Car Key Programming: How It Works

Car Key Programming: How It Works Ever wondered why new keys need to be programmed to start a vehicle, or how car key programming works? Today your local Houston Locksmith Guardian Safe And Lock breaks down this frequently misunderstood process to help you understand...

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How To Open A Locked Car Door

Opening a Locked Car Door Everyone’s been there. You’re standing in the parking lot peeking through the driver’s side window of your vehicle and you see that you’ve locked your keys in your car by mistake. So close, yet oh so far out of reach. What should you do?...

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What Is A Transponder Key?

What Is A Chip Or Transponder Key? And How Do They Work? A transponder key is simply a key with a “microchip” or a transponder built into the plastic head of the key. This is why you will commonly hear people refer to a transponder key as a “chip" key. A transponder...

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